Friday, January 30, 2009

welcome to england

note: click on images for [very] high resolution images which you can save to your computer if you want.

the train from manchester airport to york, cost about £26 and took a little under two hours:
some sights i saw along the way:now i'm official. i just need to figure out what value all the coins are. i also realized very quick that you collect ALOT of coins in england very quickly, i think i am going to need to carry around a little bag to keep all the coins in because my pockets are filling too fast.

ate a sandwich for lunch, very cheap and very filled with mayo.

this is walmgate bar, one of the entrances to the walled city of york. the little white building houses a coffee shop on the bottom [which is run by the bible college] and a small library upstairs.time for me to take a nap, i will update more later. goodnight.

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