Saturday, January 31, 2009

sunny day!

i have finally found time to add some captions to these photos, so read back through and it will all start to make a little more sense :)

the first picture doesn't really have any significance...
this is walmgate bar, one of the entrances to the walled city of york. calvary chapel actually owns [or maybe leases] this space and it currently houses their coffee shop and a study room upstairs. i actually think i already mentioned that before, but heres some more pictures of it:
the door to the coffee shop. makes you feel like you are going to hang out with king arthur or something:
here is the interior of the coffee shop, the wood latticed structure along the back wall is acually the gate that used to raise and lower to close the entrance through the barbican:
a nice warm double macchiato, they have really good coffee here:
the view of our flats from the wall of the city. the flats are located just outside the wall. the entrance to my flat [#10] is the red door right in the center of the photo [just to the right of the little silver car]:
and here's that door up close:
and here's me on my way to the grocery store trying to stay warm:


  1. Ha! Those are amazingly cool looking gloves and new shoes! You don't waste time! :)

  2. I am so so so so so so so incredibly jealous... but also so so so happy for you, that you get to experience such amazing things! Keep up the blog posts...I'll be reading! :)
