Sunday, March 22, 2009

more of our finland adventures

welcome to finland! we are leaving for our 2 hour drive back to tampere airport and then flying back to england. here's a short photo journal of the trip, i may or may not add more pictures later if i come across some good pictures. i'm definitely sad to leave, it has been an awesome week and i got to make a lot of new cool friends! got to go for now, photo captions to come soon, so keep checking backkk.

**updated below**

here is a picture of me on our first day in finland, outside the big lutheran cathedral. it was snowy and COLD!

this is the big lutheran cathedal in turku. the cathedral was originally catholic but was changed over to a lutheran church as that became the dominant denomination of the country. i believe this church was constructed in the 12th century.
here's our team and some people from calvary chapel turku hanging out inside the cathedral. the church did not meet in the cathedral, they were renting a classroom to use for service several miles away.
this is the door to the apartment the guys were staying in. and there's an introduction to some finnish and swedish phrases, requesting no flyers be dropped in the door slot. :)
our crew hanging out in kyle's [the church's intern] bedroom.
the view outside kyle's window of the nice blue skies over turku.
this is the harbor in helsinki, the ocean you are looking at is a part of the baltic sea. apparently the water is very polluted and it's not a very good idea to eat too much fish out of this sea.
this is a frozen lake we walked across in helsinki. pretty exciting walking across a big frozen body of water in the middle of spring!
sunset over the baltic sea. we hung out for a day at this guy's house outside the city, made a campfire, grilled some finnish sausage, and enjoyed our first finnish sauna cultural experience! look up finnish sauna on wikipedia if you want to know what im talking about. :)
this is a finnish specialty pastry. i can't remember what it is called off the top of my head, but it kinda tasted like a cinnamon roll.
cafe art. REALLY good espresso and cakes. REALLY expensive. i think i spent about 7 euros on both those items. [about $10!!]
that's all for now, i should have a little video slideshow put together in the next few days with a lot more excitement and adventure from our trip!

1 comment:

  1. It's called "kanelbulle" in Swedish and in English you could say cinnamonbun! So, buns I guess!?
